Submitted by the United States of America, Plaintiff, and by e-gold Ltd. and Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc., Claimants. It was filed on 2008-01-07 and is available for download here.
Submitted by the United States of America, Plaintiff, and by Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc. and e-gold Ltd., Claimants. It was filed on 2008-01-07 and is available for download here.
The Court issued this Minute Order on the same day:
Minute Entry Order, Civil Docket for Case Number 07-cv-01337 Minute Entry Order granting Claimant Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc.'s and Claimant e-gold Ltd.'s Unopposed Request for An Extension of Time to File their Responsive Pleadings (2007-11-02). The Claimants shall file their pleadings in response to Plaintiff's complaint for forfeiture in rem no later than November 30, 2007. Signed by Judge Rosemary M. Collyer on 11/2/07. (lcrmc1) (Entered: 11/02/2007)
The Court issued this Minute Order on the same day:
Minute Entry Order, Civil Docket for Case Number 07-cv-01337 Minute Entry Order granting Claimant Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc.'s and Claimant e-gold Ltd.'s Unopposed Request for An Extension of Time to File their Responsive Pleadings (2007-11-02). The Claimants shall file their pleadings in
response to Plaintiff's complaint for forfeiture in rem no later than
November 30, 2007. Signed by Judge Rosemary M. Collyer on 11/2/07.
(lcrmc1) (Entered: 11/02/2007)