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On November 20, 2008 all defendants were sentenced in US District Court for the District of Columbia.
Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc.'s Sentencing Memorandum was filed for a second time on 2008-11-17, and included the following attachments:
e-gold, Ltd.'s Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing was submitted on 2008-11-14, with the following attachments:
Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc.'s Sentencing Memorandum was filed on 2008-11-14, with the following attachments:
PLEASE NOTE that due to the inordinate file size of the version originally submitted on this date, the document attached as "Exhibit 10" [DE 178-11] IS THE SAME FILE as the identically-numbered exhibit included with the Sentencing Memorandum of Gold & Silver Reserve, Inc. [Second Submission] (2008-11-17).
Filed by the United States of America on 2008-11-14 and now available.
Filed on 2008-11-13 and available here.
A pleading for leave to file redacted sentencing memoranda was filed by all Defendants on 2008-11-10. It includes the following attachment:
1. Text of Proposed Order.